Certified Notary Signing Agent
Mobile Notary Specializing in Real Estate Sales and Refinance Package Signings
We travel to your home or business or we can meet you at an title or escrow company or a convenient public location, like a Starbuck's or Peet's Coffee and Tea
We specialized in helping clients execute and notarizing real estate documents, such as:
- • Canadian real estate loan packages
- • Commercial real estate loan packages
- • Construction loan packages
- • Deeds of trust
- • Escrow documents
- • First / primary mortgage documents
- • Financial documents
- • Grant deeds
- • Legal documents
- • Home equity conversions
- • Home equity line of credit packages
- • Loan modification documents
- • Promissory notes
- • Quitclaim deeds
- • Refinance documents
- • Reverse mortgage documents
- • Residential home loan / mortgage packages
- • Second mortgage packages
- • Transfer of ownership and title documents
- • Trust deeds
Our notaries help protect the public against fraud. We are all::
- • Commissioned by the California Secretary of State
- • Trained and proficient in real estate document notarizations
- • Members in good standing with the National Notary Association
- • Background screened yearly by the NNA
- • Covered by $100,0000 of E&O Coverage
- • Able to print documents on a Dual-Tray LaserJet printer
- • Accessible by email, mobile phone, overnight and US mail, and fax
- • Professional and wear proper attire to all appointments
Our duties include:
- • Retrieving and printing documents on a LaserJet printer
- • Managing the real estate signing process
- • Describing the function of documents in accordance with industry guidelines
- • Ensuring all documents are properly signed, initialed, and notarized
- • Returning documents immediately as instructed
- • Hand delivering in the area or shipping via next-day ship out of area
Prompt, Professional, and Competent
At Notary Public Castro Valley, we completely understand the importance of handing real estate and loan documents prepared, notarized, and returned quickly and with the highest level of professionalism.Certified Notary Loan Signing Agent
Our notaries public are commissioned by the California Secretary of State. It is our duty to protect the public against fraud. As certified notary signing agents, our notaries have passed an additional background check, carry E&O insurance of $100,000, and have completed and passed a comprehensive real estate loan training program.